The electric fly trap is a simple and effective method of controlling flying insects either in domestic or commercial environments. It uses a combination of UV light of a specific wavelength to attract flies and high voltage electric grid to kill them instantly. The captured flies are then collected in an easy to remove and hygienic catch tray. It is considered safer to use than electrified grid units in areas where food is prepared as no electric current runs through the insect which eliminates any chance of contamination or spread of disease.
An insulated conductor with a negative charge is positioned close to the insect body, so that when discharge-mediated positive electricity from the fly meets the negatively charged conductive conductor, it pushes free electrons away from the fly and towards the ground through the insect’s body. This process is the cause of the fly’s induced electric current, or “electrical shock.”
The action potential of an insect stimulated by electrical stimulation was recorded using an NI multifunction I/O plug-in data acquisition system. The AP and magnetic signals were filtered with a 50 Hz low-pass filter, smoothed over a 4.5 s window around each trigger point, and averaged. The resulting electric and magnetic data (top graph, transparent traces) were then compared to a control sample (non-stimulated Venus flytrap) to estimate possible high frequency content of the AP signal.
We tested the ability of the N-PIP to capture and kill houseflies at a range of applied voltages (Table S1). At all voltages, the magnitude of electric current generated by the fly upon attraction to the N-PIP was proportional to the amount of time the fly was allowed to generate current before being killed.
In all cases, the N-PIP successfully captured and killed all flies. However, in some cases the flies did not die within the allotted observation period; they were released from the N-PIP before the end of the current generation process.
The Dynatrap FlyLight’s built-in ultraviolet bulb uses a specific wavelength of light to attract flying insects, then the Sticky Tech Glue Card (three included) captures them discreetly behind the unit. Its clear rectangular shape makes it a stylish addition to any space and it is simple to set up in just seconds. There are no zapping or buzzing sounds from this device and it can cover up to 600 square feet. The power cord is hidden in the back of the unit and plugs into a standard outlet so it can be placed anywhere you need to control flies or other pests. This system can also be wall mounted with an optional mounting bracket for permanent installation. This trap is easy to clean and it doesn’t require bait. Unlike traditional glue boards, there is no mess left behind when you remove the sticky catches. The adhesive coating is also easy to remove with a swipe of rubbing alcohol. This unit is safe to use in homes with children and pets.